The Beatles - Michelleadd
G# Dbm7 Gb6 D0 D# A#7 D# Michelle, ma belle, these are words that go together well, my Michelle G# Dbm7 Gb6 D0 A#7 D# A#7 D# Michelle, ma belle, sontles mots qui vont tres bien ensemble, tres bien ensemble G#m B7 E I love you, I love you, I love you, that's all I want to say D#7 G#m until I find a way G#m Fmmaj7 G#m7 G#m6 Dbm/G# D# I will say the only words I know that you'll understand. Chorus I need you, I need you, I need you, I need to make you see oh what you mean to me until I do I'm hoping you will know what I mean Chorus I want you, I want you, I want you, I think you know by now I'll get to you somehow until I do I'm telling you so you'll understand G# Dbm7 Gb6 D0 A#7 D# A#7 D# Michelle, ma belle sont les mots qui vont tres bien ensemble, tres bien ensemble G# Dbm7 D# G#m D# G# I will say the only words I know that you'll understand, my Michelle
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