Scorpions - White Doveadd
F C A place without a name Gm Dm Under a burning sky F C there's not milk and honey here Gm Dm in the land of God F C Someone holds a sign, it says Gm Dm we are human too F C and while the sun goes down Gm Dm the world goes by F C WHITA# DOVE, FLY WITH THE WING# Gm Dm TAKE OUR HOPE UNDER YOUR WINGS F FOR THE WORLD TO KNOW C THAT HOPE WILL NOT DIA# Gm Dm WHEN THA# CHILDREN CRY F C Waves big like a house Gm Dm They're stranded on a piece of wood F C to leavee in all behind Gm Dm to start again F C but... instead of a new life Gm Dm All they find is a door that it's closed F C And keep looking for Gm Dm A place called hope WHITA# DOVA#... A# Dm Can anyone tell me why Gm the children of the world G# have to pay the price F C Gm And now you're telling me Dm You've seen it all before F C Gm I know that's right but still Dm it breaks my heart F Cm Well, the golden lamb we've sent Gm Dm makes us feel better now F Cm Gm but you know it's just a drop Dm in a sea of tears
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