Little Mix - Canonballadd
Gm D# A# F There's still a little bit of your taste in my mouth Gm D# A# F There's still a little bit of you laced with my doubt Gm D# A# F Cm D# It's still a little hard to say what's going on Gm D# A# F There's still a little bit of your ghost, your witness Gm D# A# F There's still a little bit of your face I haven't kissed Gm D# A# You step a little closer each day F Cm D# That I can't say what's going on A# D# F Stones taught me to fly A# D# F Love taught me to lie A# D# F Life taught me to die Cm A# So it's not hard to fall D# F When you've flown like a cannonball Gm D# A# F There's still a little bit of your song in my ear Gm D# A# F There's still a little bit of your words I long to hear Gm D# A# F You step a little closer to me Cm A# D# F So close, I can't see what's going on A# D# F Stones taught me to fly A# D# F Love taught me to lie A# D# F Life taught me to die Cm So come on courage A# Teach me to be shy D# F when you know that you just don't know A# D# F Stones taught me to fly A# D# F Love taught me to lie C F G Dm So come on courage, teach me to be shy C Cause its not hard to fall F G When you've flown like a cannonball C F G Stones taught me to fly C F G Love taught me to cry C F G So come on courage, teach me to be shy Dm C Cause its not hard to fall F G And I don't wanna scare him Dm C Its not hard to fall F G And I don't want to lose Dm C Its not hard to fall F G When you've flown like a cannonball.
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