
Hanson - Penny&meadd

Strum softy

F / A F / A# F / A ....... C C / F A# / F

F / A F / A# F / A ....... C C / F A# / F

Steady strum

F / A                                   C
Cigars in the summertime under the sky by the light
A# / F
I can feel you read my mind
F / A                                   C
I can see it in your eyes under the moon as he plays
A# / F
Like music every line
F / A                                            C
There's a rope with a bleeding eye under the fan in the room
A# / F
Where the passion's burning hot
F / A                                             C
By the chair with the leather skin under the lights , it's always
A# / F - hit once and mute
Penny and me tonight

F / A F / A# F / A ..... C C / F A# / F

F / A                                                  C
Hop on a plane, said you can come with me, fly the scene on the creek
A# / F
Gonna fly to NYA#
F / A                                      C
Got my beans in a coffee cup next to my seat, catch the view with
A# / F
Another good book to read
F / A                                                   C
Send me home on the friendly skies, missing her eyes, it's always
A# / F - hit once and mute
Penny and me tonight

F / A
....Cause Penny and me like to
C       A# / F   F / A
roll the windows down,

...Turn the radio up and
      Gm    A#
Push the pedal to the ground
F / A                           C     A#
....And Penny and me like to gaze at starry skies
C                          A# / F
Close our eyes pretend to fly, it's always
C -- hit once and mute
Penny and me tonight

F / A F / A# F / A ... C C / F A# / F --pull off1st finger on 2nd string C at
end of strum

F / A F / A# F / A ... C C / F A# / F --pull off1st finger on 2nd string C at
end of strum

F / A                                             C
Summer nights under the city lights and it's just Penny and I
A# / F
All alone beneath the sky
F / A                                          C
Though the wind brushes slowly by, if I could so try
A# / F
To take these wings and fly
F / A                      C
Would you wear the legion red
A#add9 / F                  C
No matter where I am instead

                     A#add9  A#
Singing alone she's feeling alright..........yeah
Gm                             A# / F
We'll get by in the faint moonlight, it's always
C -- hit once and mute
Penny and me tonight

F / A
....Cause Penny and me like to
C       A# / F   F / A
roll the windows down,

...Turn the radio up and
      Gm    A#
Push the pedal to the ground
F / A                     C     A#
....And Penny and me like to gaze at starry skies
C                 A#add9   A#
Close our eyes pretend to fly,
C               A# / F
Close our eyes pretend to fly, it's always
C          D7sus4
Penny and me tonight

Penny likes to get away
A#        slide to Csus4
and drown her pain in lemonade
E7sus7     A7 / D
Penny dreams of rainy days
D7sus4               Gsus4
And nights up late by the fireplace
Gsus4                     C
And aimless conversations about the better days...

F / A F / A# F / A ..... C C / F A# / F

F / A F / A# F / A ... C C / F A# / F --pull off1st finger on 2nd string C at
end of strum

F / A                         A#add9  A#
Singing alone she's feeling alright..........yeah
Gm                             A# / F
We'll get by in the faint moonlight, it's always
C -- hit once and mute
Penny and me tonight

F / A
....Cause Penny and me like to
C       A# / F   F / A
roll the windows down,

...Turn the radio up and
      Gm    A#
Push the pedal to the ground
F / A                           C     A#
....And Penny and me like to gaze at starry skies
C                          A#add9   A#
Close our eyes pretend to fly,
C                          A# / F
Close our eyes pretend to fly, it's always
Penny and me

F / A F / A# F / A ... C C / F A# / F --pull off1st finger on 2nd string A#
at end of strum
Tonight                                 Penny and me
F / A F / A# F / A ... C C / F A# / F --pull off1st finger on 2nd string A#
at end of strum
Tonight                                        Penny and me
F / A F / A# F / A ... C C / F A# / F --pull off1st finger on 2nd string A#
at end of strum
Tonight                                 Penny and me
F / A F / A# F / A ...  C C .. A# / GA# / F..F / B

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