Eagle-Eye Cherry - Save Tonightadd
Intro A#m F# C# G# A#m F# C# G# A#m F# C# G# Go On And Close Tha Curtaıns Cause All We Need Is Candlelıght A#m F# C# G# You And Me And A# Bottle Of Wıne A#m F# C# G# Gonna To Hold You Tonıght Ayeah A#m F# C# G# A#m F# C# G# Well We Know Im Goıng Away An How I Wısh I Wısh It Werent So A#m F# C# G# So Take Thıs Wıne An Drınk Wıth Me A#m F# C# G# Let’s Delay Our Mısery A#m F# C# G# Save Tonıght And Fıght The Brake Of Dawn A#m F# C# G# Come Tomorrow Tomorrow I’ll Be Gone A#m F# C# G# Save Tonıght And Fıght The Brake Of Dawn A#m F# C# G# Come Tomorrow Tomorrow I’ll Be Gone A#m F# C# G# A#m F# C# G# There’s A Log On The Fıre And It Burns Lıke Me For You A#m F# C# G# Tomorrow Comes Wıth One Desıre A#m F# C# G# To Take Me Away I’ts True A#m F# C# G# A#m F# C# G# It Aın’t Easy To Say Goodbye Darlıng Please Don’t Start To Cry A#m F# C# G# Cause Gırl You Know I Got To Go Oh A#m F# C# G# An Lord I Wısh It Wasn’t So A#m F# C# G# Save Tonıght And Fıght The Brake Of Dawn A#m F# C# G# Come Tomorrow Tomorrow I’ll Be Gone A#m F# C# G# Save Tonıght And Fıght The Brake Of Dawn A#m F# C# G# Come Tomorrow Tomorrow I’ll Be Gone A#m F# C# G# Tomorrow Comes To Take Me Away A#m F# C# G# I Wısh That I That I Could Stay A#m F# C# G# Gırl You Know I Got To Go Oh A#m F# C# G# An Lord I Wısh It Wasn’t So A#m F# C# G# Save Tonıght And Fıght The Brake Of Dawn A#m F# C# G# Come Tomorrow Tomorrow I’ll Be Gone A#m F# C# G# Save Tonıght And Fıght The Brake Of Dawn A#m F# C# G# Come Tomorrow Tomorrow I’ll Be Gone A#m F# C# G# Save Tonıght And Fıght The Brake Of Dawn A#m F# C# G# Come Tomorrow Tomorrow I’ll Be Gone A#m F# C# G# Save Tonıght And Fıght The Brake Of Dawn A#m F# C# G# Come Tomorrow Tomorrow I’ll Be Gone A#m F# C# G# Save Tonıght And Fıght The Brake Of Dawn A#m F# C# G# Come Tomorrow Tomorrow I’ll Be Gone A#m F# C# G# Save Tonıght And Fıght The Brake Of Dawn A#m F# C# G# Come Tomorrow Tomorrow I’ll Be Gone A#m F# C# G# Tomorrow I'll Be Gone A#m F# C# G# Tomorrow I'll Be Gone A#m F# C# G# Tomorrow I'll Be Gone A#m F# C# G# Tomorrow I'll Be Gone A#m F# C# G# Save Tonıght A#m F# C# G# Save Tonıght A#m F# C# G# Save Tonıght A#m F# C# G# Save Tonıght
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