Rush - Madrigal

|            |            |         |                   |

|            |            |         |                   |

|----------------------------22^-|  * See note 5 below
|                                |

"When the dragons grow too  mighty          To"

Figure A:

"slay with pen or sword,  I grow"
Repeat Figure A

"weary of the battle  And the"
Repeat Figure A

"storm I  walk to  -  ward.         When"


 "all  a-round  is mad - ness       And there's"
|-3----3-2---0---------|-----2-0-----------|   * I don't know if this chord
|(0)------------3------|-----------3-2--0--|     is really there.  It sounds
|(0)-------------------|---2---------------|     something like the chimes
|(2)---------------2---|-0-----------------|     so you may want to play it
|(2)-------------------|-------------------|     if you have no chimes.

 "no safe port  in view                 I"


 "long to turn my path home-ward          to stop"

 "a  while   with       you"
